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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Curriculum Vitae

Johannes was born in 1989 in Semarang, Indonesia. Completing high school studies in Karangturi Senior High School. Currently studying architecture in Duta Wacana Christian University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Personal Information
Name : Johannes Wiryawan
Nationality : Indonesia
Sex : male

Vocational Experience
- April 2010 to 2011; Secretary of HMA-ATRIVM at Duta Wacana Christian University,
- June 2010 to present; Interior Laboratory Assistant at Duta Wacana Christian University,
- January to June 2011; Lecturer Assistant Computer Aided Design 2D at Duta Wacana Christian University,
- August 2011 to December 2011;  Lecturer Assistant Structure Construction 1 at Duta Wacana Christian University.
-  August 2012 to present: Lecturer Assistant Structure Construction 1 at Duta Wacana Christian University.
-  August 2012 to present: Lecturer Assistant Structure Construction 5 at Duta Wacana Christian University.
-  August 2012 to present: Lecturer Assistant Architecture Studio 1 at Duta Wacana Christian University.

Vocational Trainings dan Seminars
- Jul 11, 2009. "Experiencing The Dynamics of Kampung Life". DWCU, UGM, ANU, IAI DIY
- Oct 28, 2009. "Completed the Training and Tutorial AutoCAD". DWTC
- Apr 7, 2010. "Kuliah umum, Sistem Rangka Atap Baja Ringan Prefabrikasi Pryda". UKDW, Pryda
- Agt 21-22, 2010. "Seminar dan Workshop Bambu". UKDW, Sahabat Bambu
- Okt 15, 2010. "Kuliah umum, Insertion, Infill Design, Development". UKDW, IAI
- Jan 5-9, 2011. "Excursion 2011, Green Expedition of BALI". UKDW, HMA-ATRIVM
- Jan 18-19, 2011. "Kuliah Umum Pengantar Perancangan Rumah Sakit". UKDW
- Jan 21-22, 2011. "CIB International Conference, Local Wisdon in Global Era". CIB, UKDW, ITS, nuri
- Mar 8, 2011. "General Lecturer, Silk Road: Trading path of Culture Art and Design in Asia". UKDW
- Apr 19, 2011. "Techniques and Methods of Building Painting". HMA-ATRIVM, UKDW, Mowilex

Design Competition
- Jun 24, 2006. "Gebyar Ilmiah Gizi 2006". UNDIP
- Jun 3, 2010. "Open Source House Competition". OS House, enviu
- 2010. "Metamorfosa Arsitektur 2010". Trisakti

Self Organization and Skills
- Okt 27-29, 2008. "Panitia Perlengkapan Gelar Karya Mahasiswa"
- Nov 08, 2008. "Peserta Program Pengelolaan Potensi Diri Mahasiswa"
- Feb 13, 2009. "Peserta Seminar Umum, Perekonomian Indonesia di Tengah Krisis Global"
- Mar 28, 2009. "Peserta Program Pemgembangan Spiritualitas Mahasiswa"
- Jun 01-02, 2009. "Peserta Program Latihan Ketrampilan Manajemen Mahasiswa"
- Okt 29, 2009. "Peserta Program Pelatihan Kepemimpinan Mahasiswa"
- Okt 31, 2007. "Panitia Dekorasi Dies Natalis 47"
- Jan 15, 2010. "Selesai Kewajiban Kerja Sosial Kerja YKHD, 160jam"
- Mar 29, 2011. "Seminar Regional: Strategi Mengurangi Resiko Bencana di Indonesia"
- Sept 22, 2012. "Peserta Training ISO 9001:2008, Quality  Management System"

Technology and Information
- May 27, 2006. "The Power of DeKomVis". SMA Karangturi, UKDW
- Aug 30, 2008. "Mencari Celah Bisnis Mobile Content". HMSI, Sinyal
- Aug 30, 2008. "Menyambut Era Mobile Data". HMSI, Sinyal
- Sept 11, 2008. "Are You Licensed?". HMSI, Microsoft
- Feb 14, 2009. "Update Technology: Gigabyte & Microsoft". HMSI, Gigabyte
- Dec 3, 2010. "Overclocking Workshop: Bring your PC to the Limit". HMTI, ASUS

1. 1992-1995; Pre School at TK Dian Wacana, Semarang
2. 1996-2002; Primary School at SD Christus Rex, Semarang
3. 2003-2005; Secondary School at Karangturi Junior High School, Semarang
4. 2006-2008; High Schol at Karangturi Senior High School(2nd-3rd year in Sosial Sciences), Semarang
5. 2008-present; University at Departmen of Architecture Duta Wacana Christian University, Yogyakarta

- Indonesia - good
- English - beginer
- Microsoft Office - Word
- Microsoft Office - Power Point
- Autodesk(R) autoCAD(R)
- Adobe(R) Flash(R)
- Adobe(R) Photoshop(R)
- CorelDRAW(R)

Faculty of Architecture and Design
Duta Wacana Christian University
Agape, 3th Floor
Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo 5-25 Street
Yogyakarta - Indonesia


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